Friday, January 16, 2009

Back on the Bandwagon!

Okay so Zack and I are back on the bandwagon. We are starting over in 1st Nephi and hope to get through the Book of Mormon together by the end of the year. So far we have one chapter down Wahoo! I guess it is better than none!


Amy said...

Good Job Guys!

LA Adams said...

Hey I'm very happy for you! This is a cool website. I started out to answer you and ended up here. Anyway we are slowly plowing through - 2Ne 17 and it is a little tough. When I told Jeffrey he said how that was so exciting and ..... well anyway I wish we had the same time schedule to read it with him as he has researched and taken the time to figure out the symbolism and really loves Isaiah. Rachel and I just feel we are doing what we suppose to do and can't wait to get a little further!